Daytime Stories

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Time to Celebrate a Birthday!

January 30th is a very special day in our house-Keaton turned six years old yesterday. Averie's eyes were glowing as she asked, "Are we having a party?" My kids think every day should be celebrated with a party-just the way childhood should be.

As I look back to six years ago I think about how excited I was to meet the little baby boy who was going to be named Keaton or Caleb. We actually had the wooden letters to decorate the walls in his nursery that spelled: C A L E B, but once we saw him, he was Keaton Matthew.

I think about being in the hospital those first few moments, hours, and days that followed and not realizing how much my life had suddenly changed. I also look back and think I didn't count my blessings nearly as much as I should have, held my little baby boy close enough and just simply enjoyed the short time while they are so little.

If I were to go back to being that brand new mom I would tell myself to relax and just enjoy it. Household chores can wait. The first born is extra special. Take more video. Take more photos. Write about it. Remember it. Everyone always says, 'It goes by way too fast.'

Keaton is an energetic happy and healthy six year old who loves sports: basketball, golf, soccer, football, baseball, swimming-the athletic list could go on and on. He LOVES his uncle's farm where he knows quite a bit about farming. He can milk a cow, feed them and even clean the barn.

You have to get up early in the morning and stay up late to keep up with this "big" boy and he knows it.

We are looking forward to celebrating more this coming weekend. We have a fun indoor water park adventure planned. There is going to be a lot of chasing three kids six and under in wet swim suits in the near future.

But each and every birthday should be celebrated to the fullest and that is what we will do.

Happy 6th birthday Keaton! We love you and wish you the most fun sixth year ever.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

50 Degrees in January, What?

This week we experienced the most wonderful January weather in Wisconsin. There is usually 8+ inches of snow on the ground but as I look around I see green grass, sunny skies and 50 degree weather. We were not going to sit inside and let this opportunity pass us by so we went to the zoo.
This experience was nothing like the crazy trick-or-treat event last October. 3.5 hours later no one wanted to go home.

The best part? Harldy anyone else had the same idea so you could actually find your kids. They could run around for hours because the place was almost empty. It was great to see people out and about on what would usually be a cold January day having picnics, riding bikes and walking without winter coats.  

Cameron-Not tall enough to reach the antlers but working on it...

And yesterday was yet another opportunity to experience the unusually warm weather. So Averie celebrated by getting the beach chairs out of the garage and set them up in the driveway...

All the Christmas decorations are now put away and the current challenge is finding a place for all the gifts these lucky children received.

Top stories from Christmas:
1. One urgent care visit on Christmas Eve morning (Casey)
2. One of three kids sick (Cameron) but hey that's one out of three
3. The kids sleeping in on Christmas morning
4. Cameron crying the entire Christmas day
5. Keaton successfully portraying the role of sheep for the Christmas Eve pagent

And I gotta say, I now understand why my mom was always so tired at Christmas. Working to make it a magical experience for these three kids was exhausting. But, I already have ideas for next year as to how to do it up even more.

It looks like snow is finally in the forecast for tomorrow. Maybe Keaton will be able to try out that new snowboard he got for Christmas or the sleds that we under the tree. Until then I will enjoy this last day of warmth.

Happy New Year!