Daytime Stories

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Countdown to Christmas

The countdown to Christmas is on in this house. Only 12 days to be exact. So in the meantime we have been busy preparing. From school holiday programs to a full week ahead of Christmas parties and last minute preparations, the kids are ready and awaiting Santa's arrival.

Last Sunday a miracle appeared. It snowed for the first time since last January! Eventhough it will probably be all melted long before Christmas Eve, it is truly amazing what three kids can do with only 2 inches of snow.
I remember what the week leading up to Chistmas was like as a kid. The excitement was almost too much to take. One week from Monday is Christmas Eve. I have been trying to focus on teaching my four and six year old that giving is better than receiving. Kind of a hard lesson to deliver. Everyone has been assigned (except for the 2 year old) to do a Christmas deed of kindness. Averie donated some of her dolls to children less fortunate while Keaton went with Daddy to help build a Habitat for Humanity house last Saturday.  

Other ways we have been preparing for Christmas...

Searching for the perfect Christmas tree:

Decorating & wearing new Christmas outfits:

Watching Christmas movies:

We are looking forward to Christmas week. Otherwise known as the magical week leading up to Christmas when reindeer fly, family and friends come to town, cocoa and egg nog are served, children sing and dress up as shepherds for the Chrismas Eve Pageant and everyone you see seems a little bit friendlier. 

May your days be merry and bright. And may all your Christmas's be white.....

Wishing you a magical Christmas week, Dena

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summertime Memories

There is so much to LOVE about summer. Just the word alone is exciting. In the past few weeks my oldest son Keaton has finished kindergarten, summer school has started, blazing hot weather has arrived, watermelons have been sliced, smores have been made over the fire and normal bedtime routines have been traded for one more swim around the pool. Summer is about making the most of the short time we have together without school, busier schedules and colder weather.

Last week we all ventured out for the annual June beach weekend. My sister always hosts this event and we all go to the state park about ten minutes from her house. The night before the beach we all gathered in the backyard for dinner and a bonfyre while this photo was taken by my son Keaton:

This photo had me thinking.

Once it was taken I realized it looked similar to a photo of my brothers and sisters back in the day when I was about the same age of my daughter-3. This photo was taken in another backyard which belonged to my grandfather on the 4th of July. Every year all five kids would go to my grandfather's house over the 4th of July-it was the most exciting event of the summer next to a possible 6-Flags trip. Now its my turn to take my kids on summer trips that we turn into traditions.
Cameron-Govenor Dodge State Park 2012
I love this photo of Cameron. He is a totally terrible two year old right now. But darn he is cute and how can one be unpleasant at the beach?

Averie in her element and wearing all pink
You ask Averie about her favorite things and she will gladly answer. The two things that usually top her list are swimming and all things 'pinkalicious.'
Keaton-back yard water fight
So what did my kids want to do while I was exhausted aftern the beach weekend?

Have a water fight in the backyard of course.

We are looking forward to spending a lot of time with cousins, going to the pool, having popsicles on the deck, staying up late, taking walks in the dark, buying a slip and slide and more. Much more.

In fact, tonight  my dearest friend is coming in town and staying with us for the weekend. I am so excited I could dance and shout. I have not seen her since last November but once we get together it will be non-stop talking and laughing. Within 5 minutes it will be like we are in high school again-this happens every time.
Nothing says summer more than this!
So hello to summer and everything that comes with it.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Time for Bunny Cake!

Everyone who is close to our family knows there is a large cake every Easter Sunday for all to share. It is made with jelly beans, green food colored coconut, string licorice and two eight-inch round cake pans which are magically cut into pieces that form a bunny. This is a serious Easter tradition.
Notice the photo of Cameron and candles-we were also celebrating his 2nd birthday
The story is the tradition started when my mom cut the recipe out of Parade Magazine several years ago and it has been made by someone in the family ever since.

I think this is why I love holidays-not only because of the cake but because of the tradition behind it all. This girl loves tradition. Plus it's all of the things I love most wrapped up into one: spending time with family, cooking good food, eating (of course) and doing it all over again the next time.

So to keep up with tradition I did my usual running around the night before Easter making sure everything was perfect for the morning. I even went to the grocery store that night to make sure I had everything ready for the breakfast rolls that would accompany the badly colored hard boiled eggs in the morning. My mom always had rolls on Easter Sunday.

I was begining to feel worried when my six-year old said the Easter Bunny was not a 'real person' so I did my best effort to make the deck as messy as I could. There were jelly beans and half eaten carrots everywhere in the morning. Something I would normally never allow.

It's amazing how affordable and entertaining an Easter egg hunt is. I should really do this more often. Ninety-nine cents for eggs, $2 for candy, 20 minutes of preparation time and you are set with an experience as exciting as Sea World.
My Bunny

Cousins Photo - Easter Suday 2012

Other Stories from the Last Couple Weeks:

Surviving an 18.5 hour car ride to and from Florida with three kids and actually enjoying most of the ride ( I knew in the end it would be worth the experience and it was)

Keaton enjoying his first ever view of the ocean-March 2012

Birthday parties with great friends

Easter Egg hunts and Easter dresses

Oh girl you look just like your mama once did

Reading books to my now two-year old who will actually sit listen to them-finally! His favorite book right now, 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle.

My daughter is a very picky eater but it has been recently discovered she has a taste for expensive seafood. We noticed this after she tried to eat a whole bowl of crab claws while at a friends birthday party. This explains a lot.

Every time I walk into Cameron's bedroom in the morning and see this sight I want to stop time and freeze the moment forever:
Oh my you two are so cute. Love, Mom
With three kids 6 and under these are the moments that make all the crazy times even more worth it.

I am looking forward to many more 'freezer' moments ahead.


Monday, March 19, 2012

It's the Little Things

Just when I was starting to feel even more guilty about the mood I've been in since Saturday (insert mental image of myself arguing with three year old daughter constantly throughout entire weekend) It dawned on me right before I would normally start sending everyone off to their beds that there was a bag of oreos in the cabinet, a picnic table on the deck and some amazing March weather outside.

View from our backyard

So I asked everyone six and under in the house, "Who wants to go outside to have cookies and play in your pajamas?" That was an easy sale. Everyone was out the door within thirty seconds while looking at me like I might have just lost my mind.

It's the little moments like this that seem to lift everyone's spirits a little higher. No one was fighting, not a soul was crying and I think all three children were actually playing together. I must make note to buy more oreos.
Photo Curtosy of photographer, Keaton
I have to wonder if we all might just think about everything a little too hard these days. I was talking to my mom about parenting advice last night and she acted pretty calm about the whole thing-she raised five capable children afterall so I usually ask her opinion. I think back to the days when I was little and what mattered most. What I remember were holidays, outings with my older brothers and sisters, family traditions and going to Grandma's house.

Since my mother can't even turn on a computer (or typewriter probably) I know she wasn't reading about what the other moms were doing, (no internet in the 80's either) asking people if her parenting method was correct or even discussing it with other moms-she was just doing what she felt was right.
How can a girl who looks like this ever be sassy?
All I can ask is that my daughter and I have the same relationship I have always
had with my mother. And just maybe if I'm lucky it can be an even better one.

Two days until Cameron turns 2. He is really starting to show his funny personality. And he totally broke the two cookie limit rule tonight. That's ok-it's birthday week and he knows it.
This child is one hard baby to photograph
I will be back later in the week with special birthday details and photos. Then its off to somewhere even warmer for a spring break trip adventure.
How have I not noticed this before? Oh right, I have three kids.

What are the little things you are enjoying right now?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What I Love Right Now

Everything seems a lot brighter when the winter snow melts away, when you see the first group of robins who have made their way back from the south, when you can open up those windows that have not felt fresh air since last October and when you can once again go outside without a jacket.

All of the above happened within the last few days. Awesome early spring weather brings freedom-getting outdoors, riding bikes, playing baseball in the yard and just simply enjoying all of the fresh air.

I love how Keaton is old enough now to play a competitive game of basketball. Game of Choice? HORSE which sometimes turns out to be PIG depending on time or my level of patience. He has his own March Madness going on in the driveway.

I love that Averie thinks this world is really just about ballerinas, crafts, baking cakes and dress up-her favorite three things in life right now. Because that is how childhood should be-no stress, just wondering about which doll to sit at the table for the next tea party.

I love this time of year-not only because of the spring weather but also because we have a special birthday we are preparing to celebrate in the next week. Cameron Patrick will be turning two. What a milestone this will be for him as well as our family.  We call him our little Irish boy-we are so lucky to have him. It's like he already knows his special birthday is coming because there is no hiding the smile on his face.

And brother knows that it's nice outside and he is not going to miss one minute enjoying it.

After I took this picture I thought to myself how one day my husband and I would look back on this very photo and miss 'the good old days' when all of our kids were little and making us laugh while also driving us crazy. These are the hold on to type of moments...

 Happy Early Spring~Wishing you many happy hold on to moments,



Monday, March 5, 2012

February Fly By

There are two months of the year I dread: January & February.

But this year I was not going to let those two wintery cold and snowy Wisconsin months bring me down. Not this year. So I decided to make some plans in the hopes that the shortest but also longest month (February) would fly by. And it did.

We took off and packed ourselves plus three kids almost every weekend in February. I just might have overbooked a little too much adventure.

I find that I do this often. Make plans-especially for the weekends. This girl is big on creating memories.

We did that during a recent Wisconsin Badger Hockey Game...

We did that while trying to do a photo shoot to capture Cameron's 2nd year photo-yeah right, that boy will stop for nothing and runs immediately at the sign of my camera.

I will get this photo shoot done and we will have some great ones-that's still on my to-do list for now.

We created more memories by visiting family and celebrating birthdays. We celebrated birthdays in resturants, in waterpark hotels and even in a spa (kids not a part of the spa celebration). Because each birthday is special and deserves to be celebrated in a major way.

Last summer my husband and I spent hours packing for a Father's Day camping adventure with my sisters. It was very hot, not everyone was feeling well and I think all were sleep deprived. Needless to say after a weekend of swimming, hiking, roasting marshmallows and sleeping in tents was over I asked Keaton what his favorite part of the weekend was. His reply, "Seeing the racoon in the dumpster." So there you have it.

I don't think I have learned my lesson yet. Maybe we should try a few weekends at home with less packing, driving or plans and see what happens. I'll be sure to report back.

Top Stories of the Weekend:
1. Cameron is starting to say more words. He handed a doll to Averie and said Barbie.
2. Keaton practiced some serious basketball skills with cousin Ciara
3. Averie worked further perfecting her plie and other ballet moves as her life goal is to become a professional ballerina.
In her most recent spare time she can be found playing cars and trucks with her two brothers. Her car is the red one and everyone knows you don't mess with that.

And as for me? I didn't make any plans and I find myself a little. . .disapointed.

More Later,


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Time to Celebrate a Birthday!

January 30th is a very special day in our house-Keaton turned six years old yesterday. Averie's eyes were glowing as she asked, "Are we having a party?" My kids think every day should be celebrated with a party-just the way childhood should be.

As I look back to six years ago I think about how excited I was to meet the little baby boy who was going to be named Keaton or Caleb. We actually had the wooden letters to decorate the walls in his nursery that spelled: C A L E B, but once we saw him, he was Keaton Matthew.

I think about being in the hospital those first few moments, hours, and days that followed and not realizing how much my life had suddenly changed. I also look back and think I didn't count my blessings nearly as much as I should have, held my little baby boy close enough and just simply enjoyed the short time while they are so little.

If I were to go back to being that brand new mom I would tell myself to relax and just enjoy it. Household chores can wait. The first born is extra special. Take more video. Take more photos. Write about it. Remember it. Everyone always says, 'It goes by way too fast.'

Keaton is an energetic happy and healthy six year old who loves sports: basketball, golf, soccer, football, baseball, swimming-the athletic list could go on and on. He LOVES his uncle's farm where he knows quite a bit about farming. He can milk a cow, feed them and even clean the barn.

You have to get up early in the morning and stay up late to keep up with this "big" boy and he knows it.

We are looking forward to celebrating more this coming weekend. We have a fun indoor water park adventure planned. There is going to be a lot of chasing three kids six and under in wet swim suits in the near future.

But each and every birthday should be celebrated to the fullest and that is what we will do.

Happy 6th birthday Keaton! We love you and wish you the most fun sixth year ever.
